Monday, October 12, 2009

Woot~ 1st time bloggin '.^o

Thxss to li wei xiao jie for helpin me out~~ XD hahaXx

To li wei: dun care all tat backstabbers ler!! the'r not gud frens at all!! >.< cheer up,u still got me wad ~'.^o We're BFF'ss!!
ytd juz went sungai wang~~ Lolz , bro got interviewed by astro =3= we're juz walkin n walkin..suddenly, sum leng lui come n force him. lol, since tat he kip perassan-ing tat he too leng zhai

i think i saw sum1 ytd, not sure wor -.-'' juz saw his back only ~ hmm.. looks sooo alike.

WOOT!! li wei come my hse todae~~ ^.^ yeahh , at least got sum1 teman me 'shou ku'- read buku's nia~ muahahaaa -___-''' Lol ~ yala biao mian shang is lidat.. most of the time plyin comp XD

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