Saturday, October 17, 2009

B.o.r.i.n.g day...=.=

Its 10 sumting ad~ arggg -O- sis n bro haven come back yet.. alone in the room again zzz bored ler -.-''
Oh ya, its Deepavali today!!Woot~ i can hear firecrackers now.But, lazy to go out see nia.. =p
aikzz, sorry yea wan zhen -__- for 'huai yi' u that time .. aikz, i.. juz still cant.. haih its hard for me u kno?i wish u can understand.. ><

2DAY Was, BORING!! @iyaa every1's bz today sobb.. no shoppin,wan zhen's bz also ~ sobb ><
exept mee~~ so, i was lyk at my hse the whole day.. well, at least i still got my..COM!! =P

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