Thursday, October 22, 2009

coool, its Fridaee!! XD

cool!! its friday today~~ woke up at 10 o clock juz now..
n, woaHh i just had the weirdest dream ytd =.='' i just dreamt of my primary school frens lolss.
ohh, its a long time lu.. missz all my buddz>xue leng, jia sing, khit ying,li wei,shean yuan<333>.<

Saturday, October 17, 2009

B.o.r.i.n.g day...=.=

Its 10 sumting ad~ arggg -O- sis n bro haven come back yet.. alone in the room again zzz bored ler -.-''
Oh ya, its Deepavali today!!Woot~ i can hear firecrackers now.But, lazy to go out see nia.. =p
aikzz, sorry yea wan zhen -__- for 'huai yi' u that time .. aikz, i.. juz still cant.. haih its hard for me u kno?i wish u can understand.. ><

2DAY Was, BORING!! @iyaa every1's bz today sobb.. no shoppin,wan zhen's bz also ~ sobb ><
exept mee~~ so, i was lyk at my hse the whole day.. well, at least i still got my..COM!! =P

Thursday, October 15, 2009

omg~ yesterdae was sooo scary when i got down from my van.. it was juz lyk that 1 sec, when the car juz flew in front of me -O- wOahh, lucky i didit hav a heart attack that time -O-''

Yeahh!! today's the lasy dae of 'EXAM' woot~!! happy hour frm now on yeaa~

To Li wei: aiyaa, xiao yi shi maa~ ^.^ next time u belanja me ..
lolz.. jkjk hahass

Monday, October 12, 2009

Woot~ 1st time bloggin '.^o

Thxss to li wei xiao jie for helpin me out~~ XD hahaXx

To li wei: dun care all tat backstabbers ler!! the'r not gud frens at all!! >.< cheer up,u still got me wad ~'.^o We're BFF'ss!!
ytd juz went sungai wang~~ Lolz , bro got interviewed by astro =3= we're juz walkin n walkin..suddenly, sum leng lui come n force him. lol, since tat he kip perassan-ing tat he too leng zhai

i think i saw sum1 ytd, not sure wor -.-'' juz saw his back only ~ hmm.. looks sooo alike.

WOOT!! li wei come my hse todae~~ ^.^ yeahh , at least got sum1 teman me 'shou ku'- read buku's nia~ muahahaaa -___-''' Lol ~ yala biao mian shang is lidat.. most of the time plyin comp XD